
My name is Sandra and I was born in UK, the capital of the “whining belt”, just over 26 years ago. Since high school I have been writing on various forums on the internet and in 2006 I started my first website.

The summer after graduation, I moved to London to boss around the nine-year-old who was called The Dog on the blog at the time (although she mostly bossed me around). After twelve months of adventure, festivities and a certain amount of homesickness, I found myself once again in my hometown, at least for a while.

In August ’13, I moved down to back to London to study for a bachelor’s degree in strategic communication at the Uni, with my sights set on becoming a planner/strategist at some point in the future. To get a little closer to that goal, and more importantly to hang out with my boyfriend a little more, I moved to San Francisco in the fall of 2015. He and me have been together since early 2012, and since he moved to SF to become a copywriter just a year later, most of our relationship has been long distance.

In SF, I traded centuries of academic culture for something as contradictory as a commercial art school, realized that I love to hike (preferably up some moderately high mountain), and ideally never wanted to go home. But some things can’t be helped, like visa laws, for example, so after 13 months I had to pack my bags once again.

In June ’17, I finished as a communications officer and now I’m back in London once again, where I’ll soon be working for an advertising agency (as a planner!). Here I’m making up everyday adventures and enjoying not having a schedule after living in nine places since graduation. Here on this website you’ll find lots of tips and pictures, everyday highlights and sometimes some longer texts when I feel the need to write. Some of my most read posts are:

How do you make a long distance relationship last?

If you’re thinking about something, have a great offer, or just want to say hi, contact me.